We had a whopping FIFTY entries this week, for our 2nd and 3rd grade Books To Eat Competition. (Oh, and I use that term loosely, every entrant gets a certificate with some award named such as ‘Purplest Frosting Award’, ‘Spottiest Entry Award’ ‘I just want to gobble you up Award’…) It is great fun making up the awards for the kids.

Thank you to all the teachers, parents and especially the students who make this competition so much fun. Please take a minute (or 7) to view the entries from the first two Mondays of Books to Eat 2015 and I look forward to some delicious treats on Monday April 27th from our PreK, K and 1st grade students.


It’s your turnPreK, K and 1st grade Monday April 27th – 

*Think of a book, and make something edible to go with the book.


*You could bake a cake, and frost/ice it to look like:

-the cover of the book

-a character from the book

-a scene from the book


*You could make a cake shaped like a character/scene in the book


*You don’t have to make cakes, or cupcakes, or even sweet things…some of our entries have been

-ice cubes (for the book Frozen)

-vegetables (for the book Little Pea, for the book Green)

-cereal (for the book The Infinity Ring, for the book Cornflakes)

-popcorn (for the book Popcorn)

-meat (for the book I smell like Ham)

-bread (for the book The Princess and the Pea)

-pasta (for the book The Pasta Factory)

-jello (for the books Alice the Fairy, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish)

-turkish delight (for the book The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe)

-liquid (for the book Chemical Chaos)

-milk (for the book Fortunately the Milk)

-pancake (for the book If you give a pig a pancake)


*Please make something on the Sunday at your house, or with a friend.


*Bring it in on the Monday morning


*We will all look at it, photograph it, reward it and eat it on the Monday afternoon.

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